VSourceOpenCv C++ library v1.0.0

Low-latency video capture C++ library based on OpenCv. Provides simple interface for easy integration in C++ projects.


VSourceOpenCv C++ library serves as an OpenCV wrapper for the VSource class. It provides an interface for handling video sources using the cv::VideoCapture instance. VSourceOpenCv supports VSourceCommands and most of the VSourceParams. Additionally, it incorporates logging capabilities from the Logger library, enabling efficient monitoring and debugging. VSourceOpenCv class dependency: VSource library provides standard interface as well defines data structures and rules for different video source classes. library provides logging functions: printing in terminal and(or) printing in file. Library interface:

class VSourceOpenCv : public VSource {
    /// Open video source.
    bool openVSource(std::string& initString);
    /// Init video source by params structure.
    bool initVSource(VSourceParams& params);
    /// Get open status.
    bool isVSourceOpen();
    /// Close video source.
    void closeVSource();
    /// Get new video frame.
    bool getFrame(Frame& frame, int32_t timeoutMsec = 0);
    /// Set video source param.
    bool setParam(VSourceParam id, float value);
    /// Get video source param value.
    float getParam(VSourceParam id);
    /// Get video source params structure.
    VSourceParams getParams();
    /// Execute command.
    bool executeCommand(VSourceCommand id);

How to use

Below is a simple example of the program. The program opens the first video device in the system and captures video frames in an infinite loop.

#include <iostream>
#include "VSourceOpenCv.h"

int main(void) {
    // Open video device.
    cr::video::VSource* source = new cr::video::VSourceOpenCv();
    if (!source->openVSource("test.mp4"))
        return -1;
    // Init frame.
    cr::video::Frame frame;
    // Main loop.
    while (true) {
        // Wait new frame 1000 msec.
        if (!source->getFrame(frame, 1000))
        // Show info about frame.
        std::cout << "New frame " << frame.frameId <<
        " (" << frame.width << "x" << frame.height << ") cycle time: " <<
        (int)source->getParam(cr::video::VSourceParam::CYCLE_TIME_MKS) <<
        " mksec" << std::endl; 
    return 1;


VSourceOpenCv C++ library programmer’s manual: DOWNLOAD

Price and Terms

The VSourceOpenCv C++ library is supplied under a license in source code. Library pricing is available upon request info@constantrobotics.com